PADI Divemaster Course

The first step to making diving your professional career

PADI Divemaster Course

The first step to make diving your professional career. As a PADI Divemaster you get all the advantages of the professional membership that PADI offers.

During this course you will learn how to deal with new divers by being able to give them a dive baptism. You will gain experience in the development of dive guides, the activity par excellence of all divers and you will be able to assist an instructor in PADI courses. At Balkysub, as CDC Center, once you finish your course you will have the opportunity to practice in any of our bases; Murcia, Madrid, Mexico, Maldives and Red Sea which will help you to find a job anywhere in the world. Diving gives you the opportunity to work anywhere, it is an activity that every day is becoming more popular and practiced by everyone. Do not miss this opportunity. In Balkysub there are Divemaster practices every day of the year, you can do your course at any time.

There is no limit to the number of dives or practices, you start your course, you prepare yourself in the number 1 instructor training school in Spain and you finish only when you decide that you are ready to dedicate yourself professionally to recreational diving.

Contact us

At Balkysub we want to adapt to your needs and availability. That’s why we believe it is convenient for you to contact us to help you manage and plan your diving course.

We will help you to know all the details of our PADI courses and we will try to offer you the product that best suits your needs and limitations. We will be able to plan a complete calendar and manage the schedules that best suit you.

Have you made up your mind?

Useful information

Next step

Al acabar este programa, te proponemos…

Instructor PADI «OWSI – IDC»

Certifies divers up to Divemaster

PADI Specialty Instructor

A wide range of PADI courses and programs to offer.

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