Wreck Diving in Cabo de Palos

Discover the submerged secrets

Diving in the wrecks at Cabo de palos

Get to know the history behind the numerous wrecks that lie in the depths of the coast of Cabo de Palos.

Diving in the wrecks of Cabo de Palos is to immerse yourself in living history. Today more than 50 sunken ships rest in its depths, many of them wrecked in these waters victims of the relentless efficiency of the German submarines during the First and Second World War.

There are also numerous ships accidentally sunk (by collision with the shallows) that were on passage routes from Italy to the Americas and many others deliberately sunk to create artificial reefs. Gigantic steel structures lie between 30 and 70 meters deep, forming one of the most important graveyards of sunken ships in the Mediterranean.

The waters of Cabo de Palos were a strategic point for the traffic of Allied ships supplying food and weapons to their soldiers, so the Germans placed ships and submarines to block their way and sink them. The most famous, NADIR “The wreck of El Naranjito, Carbonero or Thordisa / Lilla, Stanfield, Sirio and a long list of steel giants.

Wreck or sunken ship dive spots


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